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1  |   Semi Private Group Online

Pick a class to join!


This class is a well-rounded fitness program. Working on strengthening legs, back, core, chest and arms. Also working on balance, flexibility, and relieving tightness in ankles and wrists.  The workouts are different each time but still working the same muscles and progressing. Sessions are $35 each and sold in a package of 5.

2  |   Injury Free Program - Shoulders & Knees

Focus on strengthening and stretching shoulders, knees,

and lower back


Feeling pain in your shoulders, knees and/or lower back-this class will focus on the muscles, ligaments, and tendons around the joints, helping you become stronger, and more flexible to eliminate pain and be able to move more freely. Sessions are $35 each and sold in a package of 10.

3  |   Golf Fitness Group Online

This class is small group online training with no more than 6 people.


In this class, we will work on golf-specific exercises that will help you lower your golf handicap by increasing your strength, balance, posture, power, mobility, and flexibility. 


I have had great success with clients seeing long drives, more power, and endurance.  Sessions are $40 each and sold in a package of 10.

4  |   TPI Screening

TPI Screening evaluates your body and shows you where you are restricted. It concentrates on balance, mobility, and power.  The TPI Screening will open your eyes to what is holding you back in becoming a better golfer.


Help Prevent Injury


If you have an injury, the screening can help pinpoint why the injury occurred. This is an amazing tool that is used by the best golf fitness trainers in the world. 


After a TPI Screening, you will receive a golf fitness handicap. You will also get golf-specific exercises to help with any restrictions, weaknesses, and mobility problems.


I love this program! This is a fantastic tool that has helped so many people. 


If you buy 5 or more sessions, you will get the screening for free. 

Mon, Fri
Duration Varies

50  min.
5  |   Free 30 min Consultation

Via phone or Zoom to evaluate if we are a good fit.


I'm here to listen to what you want in personal training.  What are your goals and life aspirations? I want to help people get the

best out of their program. 

6  |   Golf Fitness Training On-Demand

Longer drives, more endurance, better balance. mobility, and power.


Get Fit to Play Your Best Golf Ever!


Golf Fitness Training can be extremely beneficial for helping people play better golf. Here are a few ways:

  1. Increased flexibility

    • Golf requires a lot of rotational movement, so having good flexibility is essential for a good swing. Exercises that target flexibility can help golfers get into the proper positions during their swing, leading to more consistent shots.​

  2. Improved strength

    • Golfers need a lot of core strength to maintain their posture and generate power during their swing. Strength training exercises, especially those that target the core, can help golfers generate more power and hit the ball further, ​

  3. Better balance

    • Good balance is important for maintaining a consistent swing, and it can also help prevent injuries. Exercises that target balance can help golfers stay stable throughout their swing and reduce their risk of injury.​

  4. Increased endurance

    • Golf can be a physically demanding sport especially if you're playing a lot of holes or walking the course, Building endurance through cardio exercises can help golfers maintain their energy levels throughout the round and play better overall.​

  5. Injury prevention

    • Golfers are prone to a variety of injuries, including back and shoulder pain, and wrist injuries. Golf fitness programs can help prevent these injuries by strengthening the muscles and joints that are most commonly affected during the swing. ​


​Overall, golf fitness can help golfers play better by improving their flexibility, strength, balance, endurance, and injury prevention. By incorporating golf-specific exercises into their training routine, golfers can improve their overall fitness and see improvements on the course.


The programs in golf fitness training have workouts that will help you solve problems. Balance, flexibility, mobility, power, strength, injury prevention, C-posture, loss of posture, early extension, over-the-top, and many other swing characteristics may prevent you from playing your best. 


This program is set up so you can log in anytime to find an exercise or workout you would like to do on your own time. Just pay monthly to have access to the whole program. 

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